How many bags are you owning? Do you feel this number is enough? Almost we only use few bags day by day while some are always in the corner and covered by tons of dust. That's because we prefer bags which are convenient and suitable for different occasions. In fact, these following 6 types of bags are definitely enough for you to use during the whole year. 1. Clutch bag It is sure that the term of "clutch bag" is too familiar to girls. A clutch bag has many amazing characteristics: convenient, pretty, versatile and big enough. It can be packed with purse, lipstick, perfume, phone, etc. For daily clutch bag, you should choose neutral shade to easily suit different places, but for party one, a sequin clutch is a good choice. 2. Tote bag Tote bag is a good idea for work. If you have to carry your laptop, tablet and files, purchase a large tote bag. Otherwise, a medium-sized one is for small items such as basic essentials, makeup or note. Because you carry the bag t...
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